Monday, September 21, 2015

¡Hola Chicas! CHAPTER 1 - ¡Bienvenidos!

¡Espero que estén muy bien! I hope you are all doing fine! I will attempt to create a Spanish III Blog to guide you a bit. I will include many links, so make sure you check the "Fave" Links section often. 

Chapter 1 - ¡Bienvenidos! 

Lección A - Vocabulario I "Comienzan las clases" 

Make sure you know the following words: enseguida, obedecer, pasándola, prisa, miembro, igualmente, and the other vocab ("Palabras y Expresiones") on page 23. It is also very important to review the Present Tense of Regular and Irregular Verbs, review/study page 6 and this G&V page 2 (click link)You can also go back to the Spanish I and II Blogs to review (check the "Fave" Links on the right side).

Study verbs that end in -cer and -cir on page 8, such as "conocer" and "conducir." The "Yo form" of these verbs change: Yo conozco; Yo conduzco. Practice conjugating the verbs on the "Estructura." An exception is the verb "convencer" (to convince) - Yo convenzo (since there's an "n" before "cer"). Another -cer verb is "padecer" (to suffer, to have an illness) - Yo padezco de ansiedad (I suffer from anxiety). Check this G&V page 4 to review (click link).

Lección A - Vocabulario II "Clases y horarios"

Remember that you use the Verbo Ser for descriptions. It is a good idea to review the Verbos Ser y Estar and their uses. Check: Spanish I Blog. Also review the Verbo Tener (to have). Check G&V page 5 (click link) and review the Present Tense of all the verbs there - IR, TENER, COMER, LLEVAR, LEVANTARSE (a Reflexive Verb), ESTUDIAR, HACER, JUGAR (a Stem-Changing Verb U:UE).

Review "Adjectives" on pages 18 and 19. Adjectives change with gender and number, except the adjectives that end with an "e" like inteligente. Él es inteligente, ellos son inteligentes, ella es inteligente, etc. Egoísta doesn't change for males and females: Él es egoísta, ella es egoísta, ellos son egoístas. Exercise No. 26 on page 18 is important! Try to come up with other examples. Check this G&V page 8 and G&V page 9 (click links).

You should review all the exercises on Lección A and try to understand them. Of course the main thing is to follow the teacher's instructions.

Lección B -  Vocabulario I "Después de las clases" 

It is important in this lesson to know the difference between ¿Qué? and ¿Cuál? (when to use one or the other), check the link under "Fave" Links to watch a Señor Jordan video. Sometimes both of them mean "what" but it varies with use and it's a little tricky!

 Also check this link at for a good explanation. Also read and complete the G&V page 12. Review the "Verbo Ser" in G&V page 13.

You will see the word "oficio" a lot in this chapter. In the book they define it as "trade," which is fine, but you normally don't ask in English "what is your trade?" You ask "what is your job or what is your work or what do you do?" Well, "oficio" also means "work" or "chore."

Review/study the "Estructura" on page 28 and the "question words" mentioned under "¡Extra!"

You MUST also review the "Verbo Gustar." Check the links under "Fave" links with Señor Jordan videos. Review/study G&V page 15 and G&V page 16. Also check page 36 (in Vocabulario II).

Lección B -  Vocabulario II "¿Qué vemos esta noche?

Again, the Verbo Gustar is used extensively here. So, you MUST know how to use this verb and the other verbs that are conjugated the same way (encantar, fascinar, interesar, importar, molestar y parecer). Review/study the "Estructura" on page 38, Exercise No. 24 is important! Basically, pay attention to the nouns, if you want to say "I like tacos" - you say "Me gustan los tacos" (the noun is plural). If you want to say "I like pizza" - you say "Me gusta la pizza" (the noun is singular). If you are using an infinitive, then ALWAYS use "gusta" - "Me gusta comer pizza" or "Me gusta comer tacos."

¡Buena suerte!